Curriculum vitae

Prof. Dr. med. Florian GunzerProf. Dr. med. Florian Gunzer

Born on 05.04.1964 in Kiel, Germany


November 1990

Third German medical state examinations

1983 – 1990

Studied medicine in Würzburg, Bonn and Cologne

1970 – 1983

School education in Gießen and Würzburg

Medical and scientific experience

Since December 2006

Assistant medical director, Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, Dresden University of Technology

October 2005

Habilitation in medical microbiology (Hannover Medical School)

May 2003

Specialist in medical microbiology and infectious disease eidemiology (Ärztekammer Niedersachsen)

June 1996 – November 2006

Research associate and group leader, Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hospital Hygiene, Hannover Medical School

May 1994 – May 1996

Post-doc (laboratory of Prof. A. Donohue-Rolfe), School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University, Boston

January 1994 – April 1994

Research associate, Institute of Hygiene and Microbiology, University of Würzburg

January 1994

Licensure as M. D.

August 1993

Conferral of the medical doctorate (Faculty of Medicine, University of Würzburg)

January 1991 – December 1993

Residency (Arzt im Praktikum) and M. D. thesis research project (laboratory of Prof. H. Karch), Institute of Hygiene and Microbiology, University of Würzburg