Curriculum vitae
Prof. Dr. med. Florian Gunzer
Born on 05.04.1964 in Kiel, Germany
November 1990 |
Third German medical state examinations |
1983 – 1990 |
Studied medicine in Würzburg, Bonn and Cologne |
1970 – 1983 |
School education in Gießen and Würzburg |
Medical and scientific experience
Since December 2006 |
Assistant medical director, Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, Dresden University of Technology |
October 2005 |
Habilitation in medical microbiology (Hannover Medical School) |
May 2003 |
Specialist in medical microbiology and infectious disease eidemiology (Ärztekammer Niedersachsen) |
June 1996 – November 2006 |
Research associate and group leader, Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hospital Hygiene, Hannover Medical School |
May 1994 – May 1996 |
Post-doc (laboratory of Prof. A. Donohue-Rolfe), School of Veterinary Medicine, Tufts University, Boston |
January 1994 – April 1994 |
Research associate, Institute of Hygiene and Microbiology, University of Würzburg |
January 1994 |
Licensure as M. D. |
August 1993 |
Conferral of the medical doctorate (Faculty of Medicine, University of Würzburg) |
January 1991 – December 1993 |
Residency (Arzt im Praktikum) and M. D. thesis research project (laboratory of Prof. H. Karch), Institute of Hygiene and Microbiology, University of Würzburg |